About Audrey

First and foremost, I am Christian; Catholic, to be specific. I am a mother- I have SIX beautiful sons and a baby girl. In my journey towards birthing each one of them, I have gained an additional desire for knowledge- when we know better, we do better.
As I’ve researched over the years, I have realized the depth of the fact that birth has become a common source of trauma to women in America, especially for BIPOC women, and I have no choice but to do something about it. I supported my first birth as a doula in 2018 and it was such a lifechanging experience for me; birth work has been a passion ever since.
That’s how Holistic Motherhood- Birth and Beyond, LLC was born.

I am certified through International Doula Institute

What I stand for

Informed Consent
X Rights of Refusal
♂♀ Bodily Autonomy
Holistic Care- Mind | Body | Soul
Physiological Birth Options
♥ Integrity

What I stand against

‼ Medical Tyranny
♂ Routine Infant Circumcision
♠ Coercion- Lies | Deception | Manipulation | Abuse
∞ Abortion

More About Me

I am married to my best friend and together we have brought seven children into this world. We live out in the country, a healthy driving distance from the chaos of “town.” We focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle as much as possible- eating clean, whole foods, avoiding toxins in as many ways as possible, and sticking with a ‘hard pass’ on pharmaceutical products for many years now, including vaccines. We strive for gentle, attachment, positive parenting-not permissive parenting- our children are learning to be kind, disciplined men of God.

I am a free-thinking conservative and support all Americans’ constitutional rights. I believe that abortion is murder- while I believe we have no right tell someone else what they can and can’t do with their body, I also believe that the life growing within the womb is a whole individual person who also has rights- Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Telling a woman what she can and can’t do with her body is oppression, but killing the child in her womb is simply redistributing that oppression, which isn’t the right answer. I don’t believe there is an approach to this issue that doesn’t involve some sort of oppression or removing autonomy. The final answer should not be to allow murder in any form, though, which would be the greater evil of all the possible outcomes.

I also feel it is necessary to be upfront about my beliefs in regards to the LGBTQ community. I feel strongly that I have no right to tell anyone what they can/can’t/should/shouldn’t do in regard to their own body, especially when the choices they make have no potential to negatively impact other people. That being said, I do believe that God specifically created man and then created woman to be the man’s spouse; those roles and labels cannot be changed in the eyes of The Creator, and I follow God’s directions as they are laid out. I will always discuss actions and bodies using physiologically accurate, gender-specific terms. This includes but is not limited to the terms “pregnant woman, breastfeeding, mother and father,” and I will not neutralize gender in the discussion of these topics.

And so, will I still support your birth if you identify with a more liberal mindset? Absolutely. ‘What I stand for’ applies to all humans and I will work to make sure you get them- that’s what Holistic Motherhood- Birth and Beyond is all about. When would I consider you and I to be a mismatch in terms of my services? When you intend to act directly in favor of ‘What I stand against’. Want to chat more about the ever-controversial cosmetic procedure for baby boys (circumcision)? I would love to, no judgment, just facts and resources to help you understand my activism on this issue. As a mother of six boys, I have a lot of skin in that game, and I understand the various schools of thought and positions therein very well.